abril 09, 2012

No Mask

Lyrics: Nathalie Ordoñez Prieto
Music: Víctor Andrés Zaraza Méndez

Come to show your real eyes
Feel the dawn inside my heart
I dont want your painful silence
In your absence
In your presence
On your mask

Come to me without your mask

Feel the scent that grows your life
The moon is melting down this night
Feel the sweetness in the sunset
In your absence
In your presence
On your mask

Come to me without your mask
And sing me with your life

Hold me
Love me
With no lies

Hold me
Love me
With no lies

Let us be the sun fading out the empty sky
Let us be the sun fading out the empty sky
Let us be the sun fading out the empty sky
Let us be the sun fading out the empty sky

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